Getting started
Download the latest QtOM bundle version (released 03/2017).
How to install
In order to install the QtOM bundle, you will need to unpack it on the target directory using one of the following commands:
The QtOM bundle contains the following directories:
- Binary – Executable file of ESBMC++ v1.25.4.
- Licenses – The folder contain the ESBMC++, Z3, and the Boolector licenses.
- Operational Model – Operational models based on the Qt Framework.
- Smoke Tests – Simple examples to test ESBMC++.
How to run
In order to run the examples located at the directory smoke-tests, you should type the following command line:
ESBMC++ request for all source files provided by you and the -I flag includes the path for QtOM in the computer. We recommend you to run ESBMC++ with the examples located at the directory smoke-tests.
For more detailed information about ESBMC++ running options please check:
The testing progress is displayed in your terminal. The achieved results could be:
VERIFICATION SUCCESSFUL ~ There is no property violation up to the bound k.
VERIFICATION FAILED ~ The property is violated.
Hereafter, a video demonstration of ESBMC-QtOM command-line version.